You know you're batshit insane when they actually name the trope after you. Yes, Tvtropes even named the trope after her infamous rant, in which she basically told anybody who didn't like her Mary Sue sex romps "My work is too deep and awesome for you to understand! Go read something stupid, like Dickens!"
And the craziness doesn't end there, with Hamilton frequently blogging about everything from her divine turtle-rescue skills to her Wikkanness to her schizophrenic insistence that her characters are her "friends" and that they speak to her.
Consider this a "best of" archive of snarks. I'm not going to address every insane word she says, because I would probably end up doing this full-time.
Blog Posts
- Dear Negative Reader
- Vampires and Paranormal Thrillers
- Dracula - The Ballet
- Shapeshifter Questions and a Writing Question Answered
- For Those Who Came Late to the Merry Party...
- Riding Down Your Muse
- Haters
- Kiss the Dead Tour - St. Louis
- Hair Down There
- In The Zone
- Memorial Day
- Bleeding On My Keyboard
- Ten things I’ve learned from Two Marriages and a Decade of being Polyamorous
- Why I Don't Read Most Paranormal
Other Sources of Snark
- What Can't You Say?
- Let Me Tell You A Story - courtesy of
- Meet the Author - LKH - courtesy of
- Fantasy Book Review - Laurell K. Hamilton
- Facebook - Welcome To Your Week