Satireknight Wiki

I dunno about you, but I really don't like religious fantasy in general - there are a few that are good and even brilliant (The Man Who Was Thursday, The Narnia Chronicles, certain parts of the Silmarillion, et cetera), but they're weighed down by an endless stream of bland cliched tripe that revolves around its Anvilicious Message.

One offender, though not the worst by far (G.P. Taylor, I am looking at YOU) would be Donita K. Paul, who combines the worst of Anne McCaffrey, thinly-veiled religious preaching, and generic fantasy templates. Oh, her stuff doesn't actually make you want to hit yourself in the head with a hammer while chanting the complete works of the Beatles backwards (again with G.P. Taylor) but it's pretty bad.

  • DragonSpell - In which a telepathic slave heroine with a vegetable name finds a dragon egg, then stumbles across even more dragon eggs, which turns her into a female Eragon. Also: "Paladin" and "Wulder."