The Great War of the... Little Round Thing
So this is the epic war that Dennis McKiernan's other books constantly either build up to or build away from: The Great War of the Ban... which is kind of a silly name because the aforementioned Ban only appears AFTER the war is over. It's like calling World War I the War of The Treaty Of Versailles.
Anyway, this duology feels like McKiernan had plotted out one book, but his publisher said, "Hey, let's turn this into a duology." So we get endless padding and filler: halfling love affairs, pervert elves, and endless traveling traveling traveling.
- Into The Forge Chapter 1
- Into The Forge Chapter 2
- Into The Forge Chapter 3
- Into the Forge Chapter 4
- Into the Forge Chapter 5
- Into the Forge Chapter 6
- Into the Forge Chapter 7